Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Distasteful Media

                Why do people create negative stereotypes? Why are people more aware of the flaws of a country than its actual attributes? This is due to the media who generally casts news filled with terror and darkness. Chimamanda doesn't only arise the question of why the media only exposes negative content, but how they are unaware of the impressions they are leaving behind. Through T.V, Colombia has been portrayed as a country full of violence, drugs and corruption. For instance, Sofia Vergara's performance in "Modern Family," as Gloria has drawn American and world wide viewers into believing Colombians are characterized as sexually driven and ignorant villagers. Also, the recent "Pablo Escobar" series, although may be historically valuable, does not leave fanatics with a healthy impression of the Colombia of today. Why is the audience more intrigued on dark matters? Do people relate themselves more with this kind of material? How is the public preference degrading our image as Colombians? 

         Like the Nigerian stereotypical 'uncivilized reputation,' Colombia's reality is nonexistent to many.

Monday, November 5, 2012

African Queen

              Women are objects of beauty. They demonstrate elegance, poise and control; control over their bodies and the men who idolize them. Women like Cleopatra have been able to hypnotize men, manipulate them. Society is represented by women and their sexuality: a shattering force. Like this Egyptian pharaoh, Kurt'z mistress demonstrates the supremacy of his wealth. She represents him and all his achievements. Women create social bonds. They establish friendships and rivalries. They decide who dies and who lives. Helen of Troy, another overpowering force, started a war, ended love and a nation's peace. Now, what will Kurt'z mistress do? How will she influence him? What kind of changes will she unravel throughout the story?

             Kurt'z mistress "had the value of several elephant tusks upon her. She was savage and superb, wild-eyed and magnificent....113" This woman is described as a G-dess. She resembles an idol, who cannot be touched but only praised. This woman is to be respected despite her heritage. Why is she an exception to the racist culture? The fact that she is Kurt'z woman changes the whole situation.

          Kurtz: a figure of succes, wealth and liberty. He is a man who thinks and acts as he pleases. He is his own leader. This effectively convinces men he is to be admired, that his way is one that implicates instant prosperity. However, this whole reputation is reflected upon his woman.

         This "African Queen," although decorated in "brass leggings...necklaces of glass beads...bizarre things....113" is only a temporary embodiment of Kurt'z social statue. Later on he will be economically crushed (ivory business fails) and his beautiful African will be return to be a savage as well.

        Women are the face of men. Women are society. In a way a woman's reputation lies in a man's. How are women able to intervine with a man's essence?  Women's power over men, thus the world is both intricate and decidedly mystical.

"My Ivory"

            A "shush," a quiet whisper, a shrieking silence: the symptoms of a heart in the darkness. A lost heart is equivalent to a soul lost in the river. "We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. It was very quiet there. 63" As the ivory hunters paved their way through the river in search for Mr. Kurtz, Marlow struggled, for he felt he had lost his heart forever. What is the cause for a lost heart? Is it an ignorant and disoriented heart? One that lacks purpose and love?

An awakening is defined as a spiritual revival. An awakening orients the heart into fulfillment. Marlow and the society he represents have forgotten the true meaning of life. These people's minds preach materialism and the retrieval of power. However, a superficial life will always lead to a dead end. (Just like Mr. Kurt'z life is coming to an end.) This is because there is an actual limitation to the amount of money, power and fame a person can own. At the end of the road, when there is nothing else to own, what else is there to live for? Mr. Kurtz is a symbol of ultimate material obtainment.

When Marlow decides to go in search for Mr. Kurtz, he travels many nights. As he paddles under the dull moonlight, he notices "not the faintest sound of any kind could be heard. You looked on amazed, and began to suspect yourself of being deaf–then the night came suddenly and struck you blind as well. 71"

Your body is connected to the world by your senses. You know you are alive because you can feel, smell, taste and and see. However, when these senses become numb, how do you know you are alive. Marlow was feeling numb, he was feeling dead. The idea of mortality is paralel to the sensations of a heart in the darkness.

Marlow, Mr. Kurtz and all white men's search for ivory is because it is the only way they can grasp to reality. Without ownership they feel a lack of control over their lives, thus loosing a heart. Through materialism man searches to fill in gaps. Gaps: the deficiency of moral indignation in life. This can be seen transparently, "My intended, my ivory, my station, my river, my –everything belonged to him. 89"

Doubting Faith

              The woods, the river: the colonies settings illustrate the loneliness and deprivation of human kind. These are places that are filled with gloomy moonlight, cold breezes and a somber energy; sinking the hearts and souls who wander among them. The setting in the Heart of Darkness mirror the emotional state of characters like Marlow. However, he recognizes how the people around him are not affected by the setting as he is. The other white people live in a distinct world, seen with other eyes. He states how some of the colonists live as illusionists and dreamers, who strive to become "kings." The colonists ache to claim every piece of ivory possible, well it is their door to luxury. Nevertheless, Marlow also claims that some are too cowardly to excel, so they live among the shadows, waiting for a miracle to turn them into kings. Marlow on the other hand, is simply Marlow. He does not intend to become anything or anyone, but enters into a state of moral wakefulness when arriving in the Congo. No one shares Marlow's experience and for this reason he is alone. He portrays to be independent from the world. He is a man of independent dreams and sorrows. "We live as we dream– alone....48" Marlow feels that no one will ever be able to comprehend him, for Marlow doesn't even comprehend himself.

            Marlow, a British colonist, is devoted to the extraction of ivory in the exotic lands of the Congo. At least that is what he believes or intends to do in this strange country. After arriving, and having observed the horrific and inhumane mistreatments against the natives he doubts his purpose in life and his job. Alone in Africa, Marlow is completely befuddled of his attitude towards his situation. Should he rebel against the white, his own race and fight for human integrity? Or, does he want to become wealthy and live?

           The white people around him are absorbed by greed, corruption and vanity. These men, drunk with power, will never sacrifice their life style in exchange for moral liberty. Ivory is their mistress. Despite the fact that all white men act like savages, there is one that Marlow admires greatly. Mr. Kurtz: witty, and an evil genius is considered the G-d of ivory.

          Although Marlow's moral conscience is awake, Kurt'z image provokes Marlow with his money and power. This Chief of the Inner Station is a representation of societies idealism. British society during these times, especially invoked extravagance and luxury as a "common life style." Many of the strategies adopted to attain this image were cruel and animalistic. (Slave Trade and Ivory Exploitation)

        Every man stands alone. For man is never trusted. Man betrays in order to stand above. If it implies acting animalistic, a man will do so if it leads to power.

      The human race claims to survive as a group, but realistically this method is selfish. Humans live in society for it offers comfortable accommodations. But once their is something undiscovered, something better, they will abandon the herd. We are all alone. Who will ever guarantee faithfulness?

           Marlow is not faithful to his moral perception (at first). If he doubts the society he represents and himself, who exactly is Marlow?